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  • 🚂 Ed Express [165]

🚂 Ed Express [165]

Hey Home School Navigators! Ed here, charting a course for adventure with Edition 165 of Ed Express! Today, we're setting sail with Maths and Geography! ⚓🧮🗺️

Hey Home School Navigators! Ed here, charting a course for adventure with Edition 165 of Ed Express! Today, we're setting sail with Maths and Geography! ⚓🧮🗺️

24th: 1848: The Communist Manifesto is published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. (History/Politics)

Coordinate Crusaders! 🗺️

Introduction: Let's embark on a treasure hunt using coordinates! X marks the spot!

Materials: Graph paper, pencils, a ruler, small treasures (coins, stickers, or small toys) to hide.


  1. Coordinate Grid: Draw a coordinate grid on your graph paper. Label the x-axis (horizontal) and the y-axis (vertical) with numbers.

  2. Treasure Hunt: Hide your treasures in different locations around the house or garden. Write down the coordinates of each hiding spot (e.g., (2, 5)). Give the coordinate clues to your child and let them find the treasure! 🏴‍☠️

  3. Coordinate Pictures: Draw pictures on the coordinate grid by plotting points and connecting them. For example, you could draw a house, a car, or even your own initials. 🏠🚗

  4. Battleships (Optional): Play a game of Battleships using a coordinate grid. Each player places their ships on their grid secretly. Players take turns calling out coordinates to try to hit each other's ships. 🚢

Helpful Tip: Remember that the first number in a coordinate pair (x-coordinate) tells you how far to move horizontally, and the second number (y-coordinate) tells you how far to move vertically.


Map Making Mania! 🗺️

Introduction: Let's become cartographers and create our own maps!

Materials: Paper, pencils, coloured pens or crayons, a ruler, a compass (optional).


  1. Map Your Room: Start by mapping your own room. Draw the walls, the furniture, and any other important features. Use symbols to represent different objects (e.g., a bed, a desk, a window). 🛏️

  2. Map Your House: Expand your map to include the whole house. Add rooms, hallways, doors, and windows. You can even include a key to explain your symbols. 🏡

  3. Imaginary Island: Create a map of an imaginary island. Include mountains, rivers, forests, beaches, and any other features you can imagine. Give your island a name and create a story about it! 🏝️

  4. Treasure Map (Optional): Draw a treasure map, complete with landmarks, obstacles, and an X marking the spot where the treasure is buried. Hide a real or imaginary treasure for someone to find! 💰

Helpful Tip: Look at real maps for inspiration. Pay attention to how different features are represented and how the map is organized.

A giggle a day keeps the learning blues away!

Q: Where do hamburgers go to dance?
A: They go to the meat-ball!

Ed - Your UK Home Education Companion

That's all for today's edition!
Have a fantastic time exploring and learning!
Don't forget to share your creations with us – we love to see what you've been up to! Until next time, happy homeschooling! 😊

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